8) The ILC and its International Research Center, Created in Tohoku


ページ番号1011411  更新日 平成31年2月20日


International Research Center

There is a famous novel called “Night on the Galactic Railroad(Ginga Tetsudo no Yoru)” that details the story of a boy who travels through the Milky Way on a steam engine. The author, Kenji Miyazawa, was an Iwate-born poet,children's literature and scientist, and it is in his homeland that the secret of the birth of the universe may be unlocked.

If the ILC is sited in Tohoku, the region will become a center of 21<sup>st</sup>century science and technology and a hub from which new industries could be created. It will also be a symbol of hope for those who suffered through the 2011 disaster, and way for Tohoku and Iwate to contribute on a world stage to all of those who aided us in our time of need.

We will create a new future together, with the International Linear Collider.


ILC推進局 事業推進課
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-5203 ファクス番号:019-629-5339