Typhoons and floods


ページ番号1007026  更新日 平成31年2月20日


Japan is hit by a number of typhoons around July-October of every year. While typhoons are rare compared with western/southern Japan, typhoons in Iwate may bring immense rainfall and strong winds. If you are planning to travel outside Iwate it is a good idea to check weather forecasts, as flights may be cancelled sometimes.

Regardless of typhoons, summer and autumn sees a lot of rain so it is important to be aware of landslides and similar rain-related disasters.


A large rainfall can loosen the earth in the mountains and make it prone to landslides. If you live in a mountainous area that gets a lot of rain, be aware of the risks. You may be asked to evacuate so keep a supply bag ready.

Weather warnings related to typhoons and flooding



ooame tokubetsu keihou

Torrential rain special warning

boufuu tokubetsu keihou

Storm gale special warning

harou tokubetsu keihou

High wave special warning (*these are high waves caused by storms or other weather, not by tsunami)

takashio tokubetsu keihou

High tide special warning

大雨警報 ooame keihou

Torrential rain warning

洪水警報 kouzui keihou

Flood warning

暴風警報 boufuu keihou

Storm gale warning

波浪警報 harou keihou

High wave warning (*these are high waves caused by storms or other weather, not by tsunami)

高潮警報 takashio keihou

High tide warning

大雨注意報 ooame chuuihou

Torrential rain advisory

洪水注意報 kouzui chuuihou

Flood advisory

強風注意報 kyoufuu chuuihou

Storm gale advisory

波浪注意報 harou chuuihou

High wave advisory (*these are high waves caused by storms or other weather, not by tsunami)

高潮注意報 takashio chuuihou

High tide advisory


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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