Hospital List for the Kuji Area
Hospitals with a * mark indicate prefecturally-run hospitals.
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To look a map of all the hospitals in the Kuji area, click here.
Name of institution | Postal Code | Address | Google Maps | Phone |
Kita Rias Hospital (Kuji) 社団医療法人祐和会北リアス病院 |
〒028-0021 | Kuji-shi, Monzen, 1-chiwari 151-1 久慈市門前第1地割151番地の1 | | 0194-53-2323 |
Keiai Hospital (Kuji) 久慈恵愛病院 |
〒028-0011 | Kuji-shi, Minato-cho, 17-chiwari, 100 久慈市湊町第17地割100番地 | | 0194-52-2311 |
Taneichi Hospital (Hirono) 洋野町国民健康保険種市病院 |
〒028-7914 | Kunohe-gun, Hirono-cho, Taneichi 23-27-2 九戸郡洋野町種市23-27-2 | | 0194-65-2127 |
* Iwate Prefectural Kuji Hospital 岩手県立久慈病院 |
〒028-8040 | Kuji-shi, Asahi-cho, 10-chiwari 1 久慈市旭町第10地割1番 | | 0194-53-6131 |
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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