Notifications - For infants
For infants
Check-ups for infants (乳幼児健康診査, nyuuyouji kenkou shinsa)
This is a system for getting health check-ups and other doctor’s visits at the health center and medical institutions covered by public funds. Many municipalities cover 1-2 visits a year for infants, once at 18 months, and once at 3 years.
Health advice and consultation (保健指導・健康相談, hoken shidou/kenkou soudan)
Municipal health centers and public health centers give guidance consultations on health, nutrition, and childcare. Additionally, you may be eligible for home visits by a doctor, midwife, or public health nurse for newborn babies and premature babies.
Medical system for premature babies (未熟児養育医療制度, mijukuji youiku iryou seido)
When you visit a designated hospital for necessary treatment for a premature baby, you can have your medical costs subsidized. Costs are determined on a sliding-scale based on your income, but low-income households are eligible for having public funds support their entire cost.
Provision of nutritious food (栄養食品の支給, eiyou shokuhin no shikyuu)
Many municipalities have a system where if a doctor determines that a low-income family needs to improve their nutritional intake, they can apply for free milk and powdered milk from 4 months after birth to up to 9 months.
Specified chronic diseases in young children (小児慢性特定疾病, shouji mansei tokutei shippei)
For children that need long periods of treatment, you can receive advice and counseling at a public health center. Among chronic diseases in children are a special class that are eligible for public funds to offset the immense cost associated with them. These are called “Specified chronic diseases in young children (shouji mansei tokutei shippei)”, which covers:
- Malignant growths (悪性新生物, akusei shinseibutsu)
- Chronic kidney disease (慢性腎疾患, mansei jin shikkan)
- Chronic respiratory disease (慢性呼吸器疾患, mansei kokyuuki shikkan)
- Chronic heart disease (慢性心疾患, mansei shin shikkan)
- Endocrine disorders (内分泌疾患, naibunpi shikkan)
- Collagen disease (膠原病, kougenbyou)
- Diabetes (糖尿病, tounyoubyou)
- Inborn error of metabolism (先天性代謝異常, senten seitai shaijou)
- Blood disorders (血液疾患, ketsueki shikkan)
- Immunity disorders (免疫疾患, meneki shikkan)
- Neuromuscular disease (神経・筋疾患, shinkei/kin shikkan)
- Chronic digestion system disease (慢性消化器疾患, mansei shoukaki shikkan)
- Syndromes associated with chromosomal/genetic abnormalities (染色体又は遺伝子に変化を伴う疾候群, senshokutai mataha idenshi ni henka wo tomonau shikkougun)
- Skin disorders (皮膚疾患, hifu shikkan)
*Some regions give out daily supplies, so please inquire with your local municipal office.
Medical benefits (育成医療の給付, ikusei iryou no kyuufu)
Municipal governments can give advice and counseling for families who have children with physical disabilities or children with diseases that may leave them disabled. If there will be a certain effect, you may get treatment or surgery at a designated hospital if deemed necessary. Costs will depend on your household income. You may also be eligible to receive assistive devices (crutches, hearing aids, etc).
※Please inquire with your local municipal office.
When you cannot raise your child
Please consult with the children’s consultation center, welfare office, or social workers (these workers are commissioned from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to counsel childcare worries and pregnancy fears as well as work with welfare offices and organizations that provide subsidies).
Serious disabilities
Blind, deaf, mental disability, walking difficulties, and other serious disabilities (盲・ろう・知的障害・肢体不自由・重症心身障害児, mou/rou/chiteki shougai/shitai fujiyuu/juushou shinshin shougaiji)
For each disability, specialized guidance, treatment, and education is needed. There are welfare facilities as well so please consult with the child consultation center. You may also consult with the welfare division or welfare office in your municipality.
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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