Taxes for motor vehicles


ページ番号1007137  更新日 平成31年2月20日


If you own a motor vehicle, you will need to pay a number of taxes on it. If you own a car as of April 1 of the year, you will receive a tax bill in the mail which you will need to pay within the stated period.



Levied by

Motor vehicle tax

自動車税, jidoushazei


Light motor vehicle tax (for K-cars)

軽自動車税, keijidoushazei


Motor vehicle tonnage tax

自動車重量税, jidousha juuryouzei

National. This tax is levied when receiving an inspection certificate, designating a license number, etc.

If you sell or dispose of your car but do not notify the authorities, you may still be liable for taxes on the vehicle. Please inquire with the Iwate branch of the Tohoku District Transport Bureau for more details. If you own a light motor vehicle (K-car) please contact the Iwate office of the Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization.

Tohoku District Transport Bureau – Iwate Branch
(東北運輸局岩手運輸支局, Touhoku Unyukyoku Iwate Unyu Shikyoku)
Address: (020-0891) Iwate-ken, Shiwa-gun, Yahaba-chou, Ryuutsuu senta, Minami 2-chome 8-5
Japanese: 〒020-0891 岩手県紫波郡矢巾町流通センター南二丁目8-5
Help desk for registering your vehicle:
Phone: 050-5540-2010 (Inquiries in Japanese only, please)

Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization – Iwate Office
(軽自動車検査協会岩手事務所, Keijidousha Kensa Kyoukai Iwate Jimusho)
Address: (020-0842) Iwate-ken, Morioka-shi, Yuzawa, 16-chiwari 15-10
Japanese: 〒020-0842 岩手県盛岡市湯沢16地割15-10
Phone: 019-639-8011 (Inquiries in Japanese only, please)


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
You can access our question form here.