Register with your Municipality of Residence within 14 days of moving in
Personal details of all Japanese citizens, for example births, parentage and marriage, are recorded in their family register (戸籍, koseki). Information about residence and households is also recorded in the basic resident register (住民基本台帳、juumin kihon daichou). These records are necessary when providing welfare services and personal identification.
These systems also cover foreign nationals residing in Japan. All foreign nationals residing in Japan for longer than 90 days must register with the municipality of their residence. You must register with 14 days of arrival. The municipal government will inform the Ministry of Justice/Immigration Bureau of your residential information.
To do this, you must visit your local municipal government office. This is called City Hall (市役所、shiyakusho) or government hall (役場、yakuba). There you will submit a Moving-In Notification (転入届, tennyuu todoke). The form is simple, but will probably be all in Japanese. Bring a Japanese speaker to help you out.
Similar procedures must be carried out when you are moving out. An amendment will be made to the back of your Residence Card indicating your new address.
- When moving to another residence within the same municipality: 転居届, tenkyo todoke
- When moving to another municipality within Japan: 転出届, tenshutsu todoke. Remember to fill out a Moving-in notification to your new municipality.
- When moving out of Japan: 転出届, tenshutsu todoke
Note: You do not need to inform the Immigration Bureau of changes in address; this will be done automatically.
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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