Volume 97 - December 1, 2015


ページ番号1007276  更新日 令和2年6月23日


Snow has started to fall even in Iwate's flatlands, marking the beginning of winter at last.

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Iwate Reconstruction Report (Taipei)

taiwan iwate governor
Governor Tasso making his report

On November 10th, 2015 (Tue), a report on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Iwate Reconstruction, subtitled "Giving thanks to our allies," was held at The Sherwood Taipei hotel in Taipei. Its purpose was to talk about the reconstruction measures taken so far, and to thank everyone in Taiwan for their help after the disaster. This was the third overseas location to host such an event about the reconstruction. The first was New York in 2013, and the second was Paris in 2014.

The 200-strong audience included delegates from both Taiwan and Iwate. During the ceremony, Governor Tasso reported on the reconstruction measures Iwate has taken, and offered his thanks for Taiwan's support. He then presented a memorial plaque to Lee Shih-bing, Deputy Counselor of the Association of East Asian Relations, and Wang Ching-feng, president of the Taiwan Red Cross Organization.

At the reception, guests were served wanko soba, mamebu soup, local sake, and other Iwate specialties. A series of display boards described the reconstruction's progress, and Iwate's collaborator efforts with Taiwan.

During his speech, Governor Tasso said, "I thought that the best way to express my thanks for your support would be to show you the current state of Iwate's reconstruction. I'd very much like to work together again in the future." The guests were able to see just how determinedly Iwate is carrying out its reconstruction. It was a day on which Iwate and Taiwan's bonds were truly strengthened.

Besides providing assistance immediately after the disaster, Taiwan also contributed a significant amount of aid money, which is being used to build nurseries, kindergartens and emergency public housing. Additionally, via reciprocal visits on chartered China Airlines flights, homestays programs and so on, Taiwan is conducting enthusiastic exchange on a civilian level. New bonds between the two regions are continually being built.

governor tasso with youths
Scenes at the reception

ENERGY Support Service (Morioka)

ENERGY Support Service

At the Mental Health and Welfare Center in Morioka, a new support service has been set up for people who lost family members in the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The loss of a loved one can result in long-term depression and denial, leading to complicated grief with severe effects on both the mind and body. These issues require specialized care by trained professionals.

That treatment will be provided with a new program called "ENERGY," which takes place on alternate Saturdays for a total of 5 sessions. It provides psychological and social support to bereaved family members by putting them in contact with psychiatrists, nurses, clinical psychotherapists and other specialists, in order for them to confront their grief and return a sense of normalcy.

It has been four years and nine months since the disaster. Life has irrevocably changed, and unease about the future can bring about feelings of isolation. We welcome anyone who may need these services to make an application.

  • Times: In principle, every other Saturday, 5 times in total, 10:00-12:00.
  • Location: Mental Health and Welfare Center, 4F (Morioka, Honcho-dori, 3-19-1).
  • Applications: Please call to apply in advance.
  • Contact: Mental Health and Welfare Center (Ueda/Sasaki), Mon-Fri, 9:00-16:30.
    Phone: 019-629-9617

We are recruiting members for the Iwate Reconstruction Supporters Team!


Know, Buy, Eat, Go - and Help Support Us!

Free to Register!

We are now recruiting both individual and group (corporate or other) members in the Greater Tokyo Area for the “Iwate Reconstruction Supporters”. Members are e-mailed information regarding reconstruction and tourism in Iwate, and upcoming events in the Tokyo area. (Information only available in Japanese.)

For more information, please see the website of the Tokyo Branch Office of the Iwate Prefectural Government:

The First City Marathon Since the Disaster (Rikuzentakata)

rikutaka marathon
The participants at the starting line (Photo: Rikuzentakata City)

On November 15th, 2015 (Sun), the "Road to Recovery" Rikuzentakata marathon was hosted by the city's Board of Education and Athletic Association. Around 800 participants from in and outside Rikuzentakata ran through the rebuilt city.

The marathon used to take place every year, but it was suspended after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Thanks to the extensive support of sporting goods manufacturer Adidas Japan (Minato, Tokyo), the marathon was held for the first time since the disaster.

Roughly 450 of the participants were from Rikuzentakata, and 350 came from somewhere else. People of all ages competed in one of four courses: 10km, 5km, 3km and 1.5km. Crowds lined up on the roadside to cheer on the runners, who had messages of support for Rikuzentakata attached to their backs.

Miyako-Muroran Short Ferry Cruise (Miyako)

The Silver Queen (Photo: Miyako City)

On November 15th, 2015 (Sun), Miyako City organized a short ferry cruise. It was just one of the events taking place to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the harbor's opening. The cruise was also intended to promote the upcoming ferry route between Miyako and Muroran (Hokkaido), which is due to open in spring 2018.

The ship, Silver Queen (134m, 7,005t), was chartered from Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen (Chiyoda, Tokyo), the company that will run the route. The boat carried 500 passengers for the event; 300 city residents and 200 other participants. The cruise was a 2-hour return journey from Fujiwara Wharf, in Miyako Harbor, to the coast of Omoto, in Iwaizumi. It was a short but enjoyable trip.

The 325km route between Miyako and Muroran is projected to take 10 hours roundtrip. The service will run
once a day. The ferry is expected to have a positive impact on tourism and distribution.


people for sanriku future

hiromitsu nakamura

Many young people are diligently helping the affected area of Sanriku move toward a full reconstruction. The section “People for Sanriku’s Future” introduces these young people and their powerful feelings.

Click the link to read about Hiromitsu Nakamura and his company KAMAROQ.

Casualties and Damage in Iwate (as of October 31, 2015)

  • Human casualties/deaths: 4,672; Missing: 1,126
  • Buildings destroyed (residences only, total/partial): 26,165

Thank you for all of your support! (as of October 31, 2015)

Donations for survivors: Around 18.41415 billion yen (92,208 donations)
Donations for reconstruction projects: Around 19.71038 billion yen (7,503 donations)
Iwate Learning Hope Fund donations: Around 7.77931 billion yen (16,429 donations)
※ This fund is to assist in the study and daily life of affected
children by encouraging sport and study activities.


News from Iwate’s Reconstruction, Volume 97. December 15, 2015.
Published by the General Affairs Division, Bureau of Reconstruction, Iwate Prefecture.
Phone: 019-629-6925
Editing & Printing: SYNAPSE

*News from Iwate's Reconstruction Volume 98 will be published on December 15.



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Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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