【留学生】Sub-r-pa Chayanonさん(タイ出身)
Sub-r-pa Chayanonさん【岩手県立大学(ソフトウェア情報学部)留学生〔2012年8月~2017年4月〕タイ・バンコク市】
What sort of activities (occupation, study, initiatives, etc) are you involved with currently?(現在どのような取組をされていますか?)
I am doing research at Kasetsart University as researcher. At the same time, I am working at company to design software for Electric Vehicle Charging Station.
Please tell us how Christmas and New Year are spent where you live.(あなたの住んでいる地域ではどのようにクリスマスやお正月を過ごされますか?)
Christmas in Bangkok (Thailand) are crowded with peoples. There are many decoration and illumination all over city. But weather is hot in Christmas. In Christmas, I went to my friend’s home, and made BBQ Party.
New year in Bangkok was opposite to Christmas. Most of people went back home, or traveled to outside Bangkok. I love New year in Bangkok. I can travel to anywhere in Bangkok very fast. Restaurant was not crowded. However, there was not Lucky Bag in Thailand. When I was in Iwate, I usually buy one Lucky Bag per year. It is fun, isn’t it?
Are there any special dishes eaten and/or things you do for New Year where you live?(お住まいの地域の正月行事や料理などはありますか?)
In Thailand, there is no traditional dishes for New Year. But now Japanese beef and Japanese food is very special in Thailand. Thai’s people alway go to Japanese restaurant for special event such as holiday or a date. If you travel to Thailand you will see a lot of Japanese restaurant and Japanese food.
Do you have any memories of Iwate in the winter or New Year? Is there anything (a place, a food) that you particularly remember about winter/New Year?(岩手での冬やお正月で何か思い出はありますか?また冬やお正月で印象に残っている場所、食べ物はありますか?)
My memories of Iwate in the winter is cold. Especially winter in Takizawa, it was closed to Morioka, but temperature and snow are not the same. But I love Takizawa than Morioka. Sometime I am walking around university (岩手県立大学) and Takizawa Park (滝沢森林公園), it quite beautiful. I alway get fat at winter. Japanese Hot Pot (鍋), Beer are very delicious in winter. And don’t forget to eat softcream at Kowai farm, it will more delicious if you eat it outside building.
Please write a message to the people of Iwate.(岩手の皆さんに何かメッセージをお願いします。)
Last year (2017), there was many event about Iwate in Bangkok. But unfortunately I didn’t join that event. I saw many pictures from news. One of the event are involved BNK48 idol group. I saw picture of the Iwate’s governor with BNK48 (羨ましいね). I was attach pictures from news in this letter. Recently this idol group are very famous in Thailand. It will be good to have idol’s team, or Thai team for Morioka Sansa Odori. It will good promote for Iwate to Thai’s people. By the way, I am planning to travel to Iwate, and if it possible I want to join Sansa Odori in this summer. I am looking forward to meet you all.
Please feel free to write any additional comments. (その他何かありましたらご自由にお書きください。)
Last year there was many Iwate’s event in Bangkok. Unfortunately I didn't join any of the event. In future, if there are any event in Bangkok, or in Thailand please feel free to contact me.
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電話番号:019-629-5765 ファクス番号:019-629-5254