Hello Work Offices in Iwate
Hello Work is a the name for employment security offices that work to link job-seekers with companies hiring. There are 15 such offices in Iwate, which are open 8:30 am to 5 pm, so if you need any help looking for a job do not hesitate to drop in.
Name of institution | Address | Google Maps | Phone |
Morioka 盛岡 |
Morioka-shi, Konya-cho 7-26 盛岡市紺屋町7‐26 |
https://goo.gl/maps/IzAkw | 019-624-8902 |
Hello Work Plaza Morioka ハローワークプラザ盛岡 |
Morioka-shi, Saien 1-12-18 Morioka Saien Center Building 2F 盛岡市菜園1-12-18盛岡菜園センタービル2階 |
https://goo.gl/maps/ABBWV | 019-623-4800 |
Numakunai 沼宮内 |
Iwate-gun, Iwate-machi, Numakunai 7-11-3 岩手郡岩手町大字沼宮内7‐11‐3 |
https://goo.gl/maps/3CAOt | 0195-62-2139 |
Kamaishi 釜石 |
Kamaishi-shi, Shinmachi 6-55 釜石市新町6‐55 |
https://goo.gl/maps/UhgpA | 0193-23-8609 |
Tono 遠野 |
Tono-shi, Shinmachi 2-7 遠野市新町2‐7 |
https://goo.gl/maps/wB0Rx | 0198-62-2842 |
Miyako 宮古 |
Miyako-shi, Koyamada 1-1-1 Miyako Government Building 宮古市小山田1‐1‐1宮古合同庁舎 |
https://goo.gl/maps/5vDdY | 0193-63-8609 |
Hanamaki 花巻 |
Hanamaki-shi, Zaimoku-cho 27-10 花巻市材木町27‐10 |
https://goo.gl/maps/Qdxrt | 0198-23-5118 |
Ichinoseki 一関 |
Ichinoseki-shi, Yamanome, Maeda 13-3 一関市山目字前田13-3 |
https://goo.gl/maps/LFOiX | 0191-23-4135 |
Hello Work Plaza Ichinoseki ハローワークプラザ一関 |
Ichinoseki-shi, Shin-omachi 6-52 Garden Yokoya 一関市新大町6-52 ガーデンよこや内 |
https://goo.gl/maps/Hg18Z | 0191-31-5911 |
Mizusawa 水沢 |
Oshu-shi, Mizusawa-ku, Higashi-nakadori 1-5-35 奥州市水沢区東中通り1‐5‐35 |
https://goo.gl/maps/OJ7o8 | 0197-24-8609 |
Kitakami 北上 |
Kitakami-shi, Omagari-cho 5-17 北上市大曲町5‐17 |
https://goo.gl/maps/Iym10 | 0197-63-3314 |
Hello Work Plaza Kitakami ハローワークプラザ北上 |
Kitakami-shi, Shinkoku-cho 1-4-1 Twin Mall Plaza West 2F 北上市新穀町1-4-1 ツインモールプラザ西館2階 |
https://goo.gl/maps/pmrV3 | 0197-65-5810 |
Ofunato 大船渡 |
Ofunato-shi, Ofunato-cho, Akazawa 17-3 Ofunato Government Building 大船渡市大船渡町字赤沢17‐3 大船渡合同庁舎 |
https://goo.gl/maps/TfiOm | 0192-27-4165 |
Ninohe 二戸 |
Ninohe-shi, Ishikiridokoro, Niwatari 6-1 Ninohe Government Building 二戸市石切所字荷渡6-1二戸合同庁舎 |
https://goo.gl/maps/182NS | 0195-23-3341 |
Kuji 久慈 |
Kuji-shi, Kawasaki-cho 2-15 久慈市川崎町2‐15 |
https://goo.gl/maps/PM6EQ | 0194-53-3374 |
*You can find job advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and online as well.
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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