Gas Heating


ページ番号1007191  更新日 令和6年5月13日


Gas heating is similar to kerosene heating, except you are using a gas line similar for heating water or cooking. Because it’s connected to the gas line, you no longer have to change the oil, but the running cost will be higher compared to oil heating. You will also need to pay to install the unit itself.

Gas Fan Heater (ガスファンヒーター, gasu fan hiitaa)

Similar to a kerosene fan heater. This model heats up kerosene and blows out the hot air with a fan. Requires electricity to run.

Fan Heater tips

-Use air-tight tape around windowsills and thick curtains to prevent warm air getting out.

Saving Energy

- Keep the temperature set to 20°C.
During 1 year you’ll save…

  • 8.15 m3 of gas:Around 1,390 yen
  • 18.6 kg of CO2 output
  • Equivalent of 9.46 liters of oil

(When using the heater 9 hours a day, outside temperatures are 6°C, and you have set your heater to 20°from 21°)

-Only use the heater when you need it.
During 1 year you’ll save…

  • 12.68 m3 of gas:Around 2,170 yen
  • 3.72 kWh of electricity:Around 80 yen
  • 30.7 kg of CO2 output
  • Equivalent of 15.64 liters of oil

(When reducing usage one hour a day)

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

Visit this page for a cost comparison of Japanese gas heaters. (JPN only)


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