Osuka Lloyd of the Kamaishi Seawaves Rugby Club


ページ番号1007223  更新日 令和2年6月10日


osuka lloyd
"Revitalizing Kamaishi with rugby!"

Understanding the dangers of natural disasters

In his 4th year of university, Mr. Lloyd realized that he still wanted to play rugby after graduation. His coach and other foreign rugby players already living in Kamaishi told him that this is a city where you can relax and concentrate on rugby. This led to his decision to move to the coastal city.

Currently, he is putting his best efforts into rugby, while also working at Horaikan, which he was introduced to by the general manager of Kamaishi Seawaves.

"I was still in Australia during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. I couldn't register the reality of the disaster from so far away, but now that I've come to Kamaishi, I can really see how scary natural disasters are. It feels like a lot has recovered since I last visited 2 years ago. But still, in areas like Usunomai, there's just nothing. Recovery is still in the works," he says on the progress of the reconstruction.

Revitalizing the region through rugby

In regards to the 2019 Rugby World Cup which will be held in Kamaishi, Mr. Lloyd says, "The people of Kamaishi are always cheering us on, so I’d like them to learn more about the sport. I also want to work hard towards someday becoming a part of the Japanese national rugby team, and to become a top player in Seawaves. I hope rugby will become a topic of conversation and brighten up the city." There are high hopes that more people around the world will learn about Kamaishi through sports.


Osuka Lloyd
Kamaishi Seawaves Rugby Football Club Player
Horaikan Eatery and Hotel Staff

Originally from Sydney, Australia. He started playing rugby at the age of 5. His father is Australian, and his mother is Japanese. He lived in Australia until he graduated from high school. In 2012, he moved to Kanagawa to enroll at Tokai University where he placed second in the 52nd National Rugby Football Championship.

After graduating from university in April 2016, he joined the Kamaishi Seawaves rugby team, and also works as a staff member at a local hotel and eatery, Horaikan.


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