Ryusei Numazaki of Sanriku Railway
"The Sanriku Railway - a bridge to future dreams"
When Numazaki was job hunting in high school, Sanriku Railway President Mochizuki made a visit to his school to give a lecture. The lecture made a deep impression on the young man, and led him to his decision to join Sanriku Railway.
He moved from Yamada to Kuji to start the job, spending his time memorizing train cleaning procedures, studying up on railways, and so on. Numazaki said, "I can't take the test to get my train engineering license until I turn 20, so I want to use that time to keep learning. My goal is to get my license, and to become a train engineer for Sanriku Railway.”
"Use the Sanriku Railway to rebuild the region."
To Numazaki, Kuji feels bigger with more buildings, and that reconstruction is making faster progress than Yamada. "The locals and many visitors use Sanriku Railway. If more of the locals used our railways, it could help bring activity back to the coastal region. I really want to get my license to that I can contribute to the reconstruction of the region as a train engineer," he said on his dreams and hopes for Sanriku's future.
Originally from Yamada Town.
Numazaki was in his second year of junior high school during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. After graduating from Miyako Commercial Senior High School, he started working at Sanriku Railway on April 1, 2015.
He is currently living by himself in Kuji where he is busy at work.
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