Announcing a brand new Instagram and Youtube in English!

ページ番号1021398  更新日 令和2年3月16日


Thus far, Iwate Prefecture has used Facebook, its own homepage, and other social media to share information with the world about itself. With the Rugby World Cup 2019™ and other big events coming up in the future, we anticipate even more tourists visiting from around the world. That's why we opened up a new English-language Instagram and Youtube on June 20th.

About our new social media accounts

(1) Instagram: "Iwate:Life in Japan"

This Instagram will account will be manned by our Coordinators of International Relations (CIRs), who will use their fresh perspectives (and great pictures) to show off what it's like to live in Iwate - all of the sights and the little charming things that happen everyday.


(2)Youtube: "Iwate Prefecture Official"

A dedicated English-language version of Iwate Prefecture's official Youtube channel.


Iwate Prefecture's Foreign Language Social Media

Social media account Language Target Contents
Facebook: "Rock on Iwate" English Worldwide Tourism info
Facebook: "岩手好好玩" Chinese (Taiwanese) Taiwan Tourism info
Facebook: "Visit Iwate" Thai Thailand Tourism info
Weibo: "日本岩手县大连代表处" Chinese (Mandarin) China Tourism info
Tumblr: "People of Iwate" English Worldwide Interviews with residents of Iwate involved with our reconstruction or developing their communities
Twitter: "Iwate & the ILC" English ILC researchers, etc Information on the International Linear Collider
Instagram: "Iwate: Life in Japan" English Worldwide Pictures that show off life in Iwate
Youtube: "Iwate Prefecture Official" English Worldwide Videos created by Iwate Prefecture



Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
You can access our question form here.