A message from the Governor of Iwate about COVID-19 (September 21st)
A message from Governor Tasso during the 63rd meeting of the Iwate Prefecture COVID-19 Countermeasures HQ (September 21st)
In regards to the reporting process of reporting positive cases to the prefectural government, in line with the Basic COVID Control Policy, we will be reviewing who medical facilities need to report from next Monday September 26th.
Medical facilities will continue to fill out the notification form for those who are at high risk of severe illness, such as those over the age of 65. We will also continue to arrange hospital beds and monitor the health of these people through the My-HER-SYS app and through phone calls from the public health centers.
For everyone else who do not fall under this category, or those who test positive through self-testing, we ask of you to refer to the pamphlets distributed at medical facilities or the prefectural website and register yourself as a positive case online or by phone via the Iwate Positive Case Registration Center.
The prefectural government will continue to support everyone reported and registered with organizing quarantine facilities and food supplies, and will also continue to run the Iwate Health Follow Up Center 24 hour service to support those whose condition worsen.
Please note that although we will be revising the reporting process, we will still continue to record the numbers of all positive cases by age and report daily.
We have begun to provide vaccines effective against the Omicron strain.
If you have had 2 doses, are over 12 years of age and more than 5 months have passed since your previous dose, you are eligible for the new vaccine. If you wish to be vaccinated with the new vaccine, once you have received your vaccine voucher, please go and get vaccinated.
At the September Prefectural Assembly, the prefectural government has announced a supplementary budget for the infection prevention plan, which includes the strengthening of the vaccination program. This budget also includes support for farmers who face soaring fertilizer prices and additional childcare support to combat increasing oil prices and inflation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The government will continue to protect the lives and the health of the citizens and work on supporting the social and economic activities of the prefecture.
The number of new cases in the prefecture has continued to decrease over the past month, however it still remains at a high level.
I ask of the citizens to continue to practice appropriate infection prevention measures in order to further decrease the number of new cases in the prefecture.
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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