A message from the Governor of Iwate about COVID-19 (March 24th)
A message from Governor Tasso during the 68th meeting of the Iwate Prefecture COVID-19 Countermeasures HQ (March 24th)
Iwate Prefecture will continue to operate the Iwate Health Follow-up Center, a service for those with symptoms to consult about their situation or be introduced to doctors, and quarantine facilities for the elderly in order to reduce the burden on medical facilities even after May 8th, when coronavirus will officially be downgraded to a common infectious disease,
However, food support for those quarantining at home and quarantine facility support will end as there will be no need for those who test positive to register or quarantine at home after the downgrade.
The prefecture will also stop providing free rapid antigen tests from March 31st due to the decrease in positive cases in the prefecture and easy access to rapid antigen tests in pharmacies, etc...
We will continue to work together with prefectural medical associations and medical facilities in order to prepare our medical system for this change.
Wearing masks in public is now optional, however please do not pressure anyone into wearing and removing their mask against their will. We also recommend visitors of medical and elderly care facilities wear masks to protect those who are at risk of serious illness.
As of March 24th, the number of new cases in the prefecture is at 27.9 per 100,000 people. This decreasing trend can also be seen throughout the country.
With the end of the current fiscal year and the beginning of the new fiscal year, the flow of people within the prefecture will increase as people move on to the next stage of their education and start new jobs. Please follow the basic infection control measures while participating in economic and societal activities within the prefecture.
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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