List of medical departments
This is just a general list – there may be departments not listed here. If you’re not sure where to go, try going to the reception at a hospital and tell them your symptoms.
Visit the following Multilingual Medical Questionnaire to search departments by symptom.
Department name (A-Z order) | Japanese |
Allergies | アレルギー科, arerugiika |
Anesthesiology | 麻酔科, masuika |
Cardiovascular (heart) | 循環器科, junkankika |
Cardiovascular surgery | 心臓血管外科, shinzou kekkan geka |
Dentistry | 歯科, shika |
Dermatology (skin) | 皮膚科, hifuka |
Gastroenterology (digestive system) | 消化器科, shoukakika |
Otolaryngology (ear, mouth, and throat) | 耳鼻咽喉科, jibiinkouka |
Internal medicine | 内科, naika |
Neurology | 神経内科, shinkei naika |
Neurosurgery | 脳神経外科, noushinkei geka |
Obstetrics and gynecology | 産婦人科, sanfujinka |
Ophthalmology (eyes) | 眼科, ganka |
Orthodontics | 矯正歯科, kyousei shika |
Orthopedics | 整形外科, seikei geka |
Pediatric dentistry | 小児歯科, shouni shika |
Pediatrics (children’s doctor) | 小児科, shounika |
Plastic surgery | 形成外科, keisei geka |
Psychiatry | 精神科, seishinka |
Psychosomatic medicine | 心療内科, shinryou naika |
Rehabilitation | リハビリテーション科, rihabiriteshonka |
Respiratory disease (lungs) | 呼吸器科, kokyuukika |
Rheumatology (joints, inflammation, autoimmune diseases) | リウマチ科, riumachika |
Surgery, external medicine | 外科, geka |
Urology (urine) | 泌尿器科, hinyoukika |
Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
You can access our question form here.