The Matsuo Neutralization Treatment Facility

ページ番号1025878  更新日 令和3年1月15日


The Matsuo Neutralization Treatment Facility
Outline of the Matsuo Neutralization Treatment Facility

Outline of the Matsuo Neutralization Treatment Facility

Related information

JOGMEC* runs and maintains the treatment facility for the former Matsuo Mine.

Information for visitors to the treatment facility can be found on the web version of the PR and Facility Viewing Guide.

The video can be found the importance of measures to clear the Kitakami River.


Mining and Water Resources Section (Mining), Environmental Preservation Division,
Department of Environment and Residential Life

(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka, Iwate, JAPAN
TEL:019-629-5358 FAX:019-629-5364