【留学生】Gajo Petrovic(ガヨ・ペトロビッチ)さん(セルビア出身)
Gajo Petrovic(ガヨ・ペトロビッチ)さん【岩手県立大学(ソフトウェア情報学部)留学生〔2014.10~2018.04〕セルビア出身】
Why did you decide to study at a Japanese university?(日本の大学で勉強しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか。)
I chose to do my PhD in Japan so I could focus entirely on my research – and I wanted to visit Japan anyway.
What sort of activities (occupation, study, initiatives, etc) are you involved with currently?(現在どのような活動(仕事・勉強・取組)をされていますか。)
I am currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer in a small tech startup in Tokyo, specializing in cybernetics: biosignal processing and robotics.
Please tell us about the culture, traditions, and customs of your hometown or the place you are currently residing.(あなたの出身の地域、または現在お住まいの地域について、文化・伝統・習慣など教えてください。)
In Serbia we have two Christmases and two New Years. We get presents for New Years – not Christmas. May 1st is supposed to be the International Workers day, but we just celebrate it by having BBQs.
What are some of the most memorable places and foods from your life in Iwate?(岩手で生活をされて印象に残っている場所、食べ物などはありますか。)
The most memorable place was Geibikei – I went there a few times. There was a lot of good food (I tried Reimen pretty late – I regret I didn’t try it sooner), but the one that stands out is Kamome no Tamago. It almost gave me diabetes :)
一番印象に残っている場所は猊鼻渓です - 私は数回そこに行きました。
Please tell us something unforgettable that happened to you while in Iwate.(岩手での忘れられない出来事はありますか。)
I was really surprised how very few people in Japan celebrate New Years outside – Morioka felt really empty during that time.
Please write a message to the people of Iwate.(岩手県の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。)
People in Tokyo can tell if you have a Tohoku accent, but that’s OK.
Please feel free to write any additional comments.(その他何かありましたら御自由にお書き下さい。)
ふるさと振興部 国際室 国際交流担当
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-5765 ファクス番号:019-629-5254