留学生:Ali Md Belayetさん(バングラデシュ出身)
- アリ モハンマド ベライェットさん
- 岩手大学工学研究科留学生(2013年9月から2019年3月まで)
- バングラデシュ人民共和国出身
- 神奈川県在住
About you あなた自身について教えてください。
Why did you decide to studay at a Japanese university? 日本の大学で勉強しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか。
The main reason is the research interest. I found the same kind of research that I wanted to do, are conducted at Iwate University. That’s why I decided to study at Iwate University.
What sort of activities (occupation, study, initiatives, etc) are you involved with currently? 現在どのような活動(仕事・勉強・取組)をされていますか。
Currently, I am working at Toshiba Electric Device and Storage in the division of Device and Storage Research Center (DSRC).
Please tell us about the culture, traditions, and customs of your hometown or the place you are currently residing. あなたの出身の地域、または現在お住まいの地域について、文化・伝統・習慣など教えてください。
We have moved recently in Kawasaki city and we found almost no cultural differences between Iwate and Kanagawa. The peoples around us are very kind and friendly. The weather is quite different from Iwate. Here the summer is little bit longer and also temperature is relatively higher than Iwate.
About Iwate 岩手に関することについて教えて下さい。
What are some of the most memorable places and foods from your life in Iwate? 岩手で生活をされて印象に残っている場所、食べ物などはありますか。
There are many memorable places in Iwate, among them Jodogahama beach, Ryusendo Cave, Hachimantai, Mount Iwate, Morioka Castle, Koiwai farm ect. All the local foods of Iwate are very delicious and I enjoyed all the food very much. Among all the foods, Wanko soba and Sanriku Seafood remains my most favorite foods in Iwate.
Please tell us something unforgettable that happened to you while in Iwate. 岩手での忘れられない出来事はありますか。
The time I spend Morioka, Iwate was always very enjoyable and memorable in many ways. As I am a married person, I brought my wife and spend very special moments with her. During our stay at Iwate, the almighty god blessed us our only son. Again, graduation day was also unforgettable because my wife and I graduated from Iwate University and attend the ceremony with our loving son. We were blessed by almighty god in many ways and the supervisor we have during our study at Iwate University was also unforgettable person. He is a very good academician with great personality. The support, directions, and kindness we have received from him and his family is inexpressible. There are many other events and persons that we always remember and probably will be unforgettable.
Please write a message to the people of Iwate. 岩手県の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。
I think we are very lucky that I got the opportunity to live in Iwate few years. The people of Iwate are very kind and gentle. They are also very helpful. We never found anyone who did rude behaves with me. We always found them polite. At last, I am happy to say that we spent a wonderful time in Iwate which will be in my beautiful memories forever.
Please feel free to write any additional comments.その他何かありましたら御自由にお書きください。
Iwate is really a very good place to live. If I have any opportunity to return again to the Iwate, I will do it without any hesitation. Regarding International students, Iwate university can improve their cooperation. Especially the English communication and support system for international students. The degree program’s classes are conducted in Japanese and some International students found themselves very uncomfortable situation. At Least in the lecture, they should provide an English document to the international students.
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電話番号:019-629-5765 ファクス番号:019-629-5254