留学生:Dubiel Zacharyさん(アメリカ出身)

ページ番号1022953  更新日 令和1年8月23日


  • デュビエル ザッカリさん
  • 岩手大学教育学部特別聴講学生(2018年9月から2019年3月まで)
  • アメリカ合衆国イリノイ州在住

About you あなた自身について教えてください。

Why did you decide to studay at a Japanese university? 日本の大学で勉強しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか。

I’ve wanted to become an English teacher in Japan for a while, so I thought that studying abroad in Japan would be a good experience. I also really like Japanese cooking and visiting Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. For these reasons, I decided to study at a Japanese university.


What sort of activities (occupation, study, initiatives, etc) are you involved with currently? 現在どのような活動(仕事・勉強・取組)をされていますか。

Currently, I’m studying at North Central College. I also work part-time at a pizzeria.

現在、North Central Collegeで勉強しています。私はまた、ピザ屋でアルバイトをしています。

Please tell us about the culture, traditions, and customs of your hometown or the place you are currently residing. あなたの出身の地域、または現在お住まいの地域について、文化・伝統・習慣など教えてください。

It’s hard to mention anything interesting because I think my hometown is pretty boring, but I will try my best! Many people are Christian here, so there are many churches. The only large event around here is a festival held during the summer called Homer Fest. You can eat food, play games, and listen to music at the festival, but it only lasts for a few days every year.

私の出身の地域はつまらないところだと思いますが、頑張って良いところを話します。多くの人がキリスト教ですから、多くの教会があります。また、毎年、夏の間にHomer Festという唯一の大きい祭りが開催されます。Homer Festではいろいろな食べ物を食べたり、ゲームをしたり、音楽を聞くことができますが、短期間のみの開催です。

About Iwate  岩手に関することについて教えて下さい。

What are some of the most memorable places and foods from your life in Iwate? 岩手で生活をされて印象に残っている場所、食べ物などはありますか。

The most delicious food I had in Iwate was reimen. I never had it in America, but I really wish I had the chance to try it again (It’s one of my favorite foods now)! I also thought Houonji temple was interesting and one of the nicer temples I’ve been to. Lastly, I visited Miyako and saw many beautiful places there. The wreckage the tsunami left was very tragic, but the hotel and the re-built buildings left a good impression on me.


Please tell us something unforgettable that happened to you while in Iwate. 岩手での忘れられない出来事はありますか。

Something I will never forget is my Japanese tutor’s kindness. Every week, they would teach an interesting lesson and really helped me improve my Japanese. After the last lesson, they even treated me to dinner! They were an incredibly kind person and I’ll never forget the kindness they showed me.


Please write a message to the people of Iwate. 岩手県の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。

I am truly grateful for all the kindness so many people showed me during my stay! My stay in Japan helped me feel justified towards my future goals! Between the experiences at Iwate University and the fun events guided by volunteering locals, I met a wide array of interesting people that left a truly memorable experience on me! I wish I could express myself better in Japanese, but I don’t think my thoughts would be accurately portrayed. I hope everybody I met continues to help other students like me as well as live happy lives! To everybody I met, thank you!



ふるさと振興部 国際室 国際交流担当
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-5765 ファクス番号:019-629-5254